Workplace reps and committee members are ASU members like you who are leaders in their workplaces and our union.

They have voluntarily taken on the responsibility to support their fellow union members to make our workplaces better.

Our reps are supported by our union and fellow union members. By standing together, we can achieve better pay, conditions and workplaces for everyone.

Being an ASU workplace representative is one of the most important positions in our union, keeping our members informed and united around common goals. Reps provide direct feedback to the union on issues occurring in our workplaces.

ASU workplace reps receive training in communication, problem-solving and negotiation skills so that they can be confident in handling any situation. Reps are supported with training to build up these skills at their own pace, and depending on the workplace, this may be on paid time by your employer (check your agreement, or talk to an organiser to confirm your situation).

Being an ASU workplace rep involves:

  • Ongoing training to improve your skills and knowledge;
  • Assisting members with employment related questions;
  • Talking to management to resolve workplace issues with support and advice from our union;
  • Promoting our union with new employees and non-union members to keep our workplaces strong, and
  • Updating members on agreement negotiations and assisting in preparing members claims.

Resources for workplace reps
Want to become an ASU workplace rep? 
Get in touch with us today. Email: [email protected]
I've seen first hand the power of being union. I couldn't be prouder to be an ASU leader in my workplace.
ASU member in Energy

Community and Disability Workers Deserve Better

We're not just fighting to keep up with inflation; we want to beat it. And for that, we need to stand together to demand a fair annual wage increase. Frontline workers supporting our communities deserve secure, decent and well-paid jobs. 2/03/2024